Avi Theme

Introducing Avi – the ultimate WordPress theme for digital designers looking to showcase their portfolio in style!

With its sleek and modern design, Avi is the perfect platform to showcase your creative work and impress potential clients. Whether you’re a graphic designer, web developer, or photographer, Avi has got you covered.

Featuring a fully customizable layout, Avi allows you to effortlessly create a stunning portfolio that truly reflects your unique style and brand. Choose from a variety of pre-designed templates or create your own from scratch – the possibilities are endless!

So why settle for a generic portfolio when you can have Avi – the ultimate WordPress theme for digital designers. Get ready to showcase your talent and elevate your brand with Avi. Try it now!

Avi is a block theme, it has 2 style variations and 14 patterns support for full site editing.

You may download Avi from the WordPress theme directory, it is 100% free and licensed under the GPL. If you like the theme, I’d love to hear it – leave your feedback in the comments!


Version 1.0.3
* DELETED: accessibility-ready tag.
Version 1.0.2
* FIXED: theme.json, line 3 - added compatibility with WordPress 6.6.
* FIXED: functions.php, lines 112-113 added.
Version 1.0.1
* FIXED: Spacings.
* FIXED: Home link in hidden-404.php.
Version 1.0.0
* Release.

15 responses

  1. Hello Uladzimir Kulesh!
    I am a graphic designer who approaches to web design. Your theme is very beautiful and I decided to download it; but I have a problem: I don’t see some links and some pages of your layout. For example, there is the button with the link to the portfolio page, which once clicked sends you to the page, but I can’t find the editable layout within the theme. I didn’t see the name of the section in to the Header or Footer and other small problems. Do you have any advice for me? Did I forget to add any design plug-ins?
    Thank you for the patience

    1. Hello Enrico! When installing the theme, you should have been offered the UK Portfolio plugin for installation – this is a plugin responsible for the portfolio functionality. Further, Avi is a block theme and everything is edited in the site admin panel: you either create new pages and insert patterns there, or go to theme editing and change something there at your discretion.

      To edit the button you specified you need to go to “Appearance > Editor > Templates > Blog Home” and edit template.

      Or you can add a new page to the site and insert the “Personal home page” pattern into it and set this page in the WordPress settings as the main page of the site.

      I didn’t understand you about Heder and Footer, please clarify what the problem is.

  2. Hello Uladzimir Kulesh!

    Great work! I love the graphic and style of what you did.
    But as a beginner of website DIYer, I’ve a question:

    When I try to regroup the navigation as i want, for example Agence, Projects, Contact.
    I added those pages but for the Porjects page I tried to add block ”liste of projects, two colones” it work as editer mode but those were not showed as i quit the editer mode or for the website. However, the page /protfolio works and the block ”recently work” work perfectly but only show 4 projets.
    I did installed UK Portfolio plugin and added some projets for test.
    How should i fix this problem?


    1. Hello! All your projects are displayed on the /portfolio page. All you have to do is add a link to it in the menu. To display your latest projects on any other page, you can go to edit the page and insert the “Recent projects section” pattern into it.

      To display your latest projects on any other page, you can go to edit the page and insert the “Recent projects section” pattern into it.

      To change the number of projects in a block, you need to go to its query settings and change the number of items to display – see image.

      1. Hi Uladzimir! Thanks for your reply!

        I have recently found an other question, when i set the website on bilanguages, what i see on PC is on Chinese simplify but on my iphone is on Chinese traditional, any idea why?

        thanks for your relpy

  3. Hi Uladzimir! Thanks a lot for this theme, it’s really slick!
    I’ve been playing around with it and was wondering if there is any way to disable the page transition effect? Didn’t see that as a setting anywhere.


    1. Hi, Timo! Thank you!
      There is no any setting, but you can edit theme: just delete lines 112-125 and lines 440-455 in the file functions.php.

  4. Hello Uladzimir! Thanks for the fantastic wordpress theme.

    I would like to know how to ‘hide’ the h1 heading and the featured image on the home page to have a look similar to the one seen on https://avi.uladzimirkulesh.com/

    I used the theme’s home page template, but before what would be your ‘Digital Designer’ appears, the title ‘Home’ appears and a large blank space of the featured image (which I don’t use in the home page).

    Thank you for being able to guide me. And congratulations on your work!

    1. Hello Eduardo! Thank You!

      To hide the page title, use the “Blank (Alternative 1)” template for the page: when editing a page, on the right side of the editor, for “Template” select the “Blank (Alternative 1)” template.

      To hide your featured image, do not upload it to this page.

  5. Hello! Beautiful theme! 🙂 support multi language? (Spanish and English). What free plugin do you recommend me for that? Many thanks in advance!

  6. Hi! I’m sorry if this is a simple question but I’ve only just started using WordPress so i feel a little lost. How do i add projects to my portfolio? I have activated the UK portfolio plugin but i can’t see how to add a post that becomes a portfolio item. Thank you!

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